I am

Engineer, Developer

Jeferson Bronze

Hello, welcome to my area on the web. here you will find some information about who I am and what I do! If you want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me through the channels below.

As an energy engineer and a software developer by training, I am an admirer of the human capacity to create technology and inovate. From the great steam engines of the past to the electrical and digital wonders of the present, the human spirit has always been at the forefront like an engine driven by the will to create, improve, and evolve. And it is to this spirit that I hope, one day, to be able to contribute.

Internet of things

Development of solutions in IoT, IoE and AIoE (hardware e software)

3d modeling

Modeling and rendering of 3D models for design, animation, engineering and simulations projects.

Analytics, Big Data & Business Intelligence

Development of systems for acquisition, storage, manipulation and visualization of data focused on strategic decisions

Programming, DevOps & Cloud Computing

Full stack web development, cloud services architecture, and DevOps engineering.

My portfolio

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello!


  • Montreal - Quebec - Canada
  • +1 (438) 979-6085
  • jefersonbronze@gmail.com

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