I am

Hybrid Engineer

Jeferson Bronze

Hello, welcome to my area on the web. Here you will find some information about who I am and what I do! If you want to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me through the channels below.

I’m a hybrid engineer with 15 years of experience spanning energy engineering, programming, and system administration. This blend of disciplines drives me to design forward-thinking solutions at the intersection of technology and innovation. My goal is to develop practical, real-world applications that make everyday life more efficient and accessible.

Internet of Energy

Development of solutions in IoT, IoE and AIoE (hardware e software)

Hardware & Infrastructure Management

Deploy and maintain physical server infrastructure, assemble and optimize LAN, WAN, and wireless networks and UPS systems for continuous operation

Software & Security Administration

Configuration of OSs, user accounts, and patch management. MDM and Active Directory services, network security protocols (firewalls, VPNs, intrusion detection) and monitoring of system performance and disaster recovery

Programming, DevOps & Cloud Computing

Full stack web development, cloud services architecture, and DevOps engineering

My portfolio

New forms of energy generation.

Internet of Energy

Integration of digital technologies and energy resources.

Digital developement. Websites creation, Data Analytics, AI.

Digital development

Development of web solutions and data analysis.

Sysadmin, MDM, LAn, WAN, servers, network, security, monitoring, disaster recovery.


Administration of Computational Systems.

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello!


  • Montreal - Quebec - Canada
  • +1 (438) 979-6085
  • jefersonbronze@gmail.com

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