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Jeferson Bronze

This dashboard serves only to illustrate the real tool I created to manage my distributed energy assets.

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HTML5 65%

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Bootstrap 4 50%

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NodeJS 70%

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Python 35%

User Profile

Energy Engineer, Software Developer


Surf, soccer and snowboarding. I love Ben&Jerry's ice cream.

Programming Skills
html5 javascript python nodejs css3 jquery bootstrap responsive-design
90 Followers 43 Forks 245 Views
Recent Activity
Jeferson edited Alex client profile page `Clients`
Jeferson deleted Main Table in `Client = Alex`
Jeferson commented in `Discussions`
Jeferson included 3 new rows in Table 2 `Client = Sérgio`
Jeferson deleted last 4 entries from `Batteries`
3 hrs ago Here is your a link to the latest summary report from the..
Yesterday There has been a request on your account since that was..
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